Service Name: Damp Issue
What can I claim for? When you make a disrepair claim the court can order your landlord to carry out the repairs. As well as this, you can also be awarded compensation for several reasons, including: Damage to belongings – compensation for any belongings that have been damaged or destroyed as a result of the poor condition of the property. You can also claim for damage to belongings that were caused during repairs that your landlord made. Financial loss – If you have suffered financial loss as a result of your landlord failing to carry out repairs then you can claim for this. Note if you are in rent arrears this will impact your outcome. Personal injury – If you have been injured as a result of your landlord’s negligence then you could make a personal injury claim. This could include respiratory problems as a result of damp or mould, injuries as a result of slipping or tripping hazards, carbon monoxide poisoning and other types of injuries. We can assist you with medical reports, expert evidence and court action proceedings.