Housing Disrepair Claims

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Service Name: Damaged Windows

How much does it cost to claim for housing disrepair? Filing a claim can be a costly process. Depending on the severity of your case you could be entitled to Legal Aid to help you with these costs, however, Legal Aid funding is only available in cases where there is a serious risk to the health and safety of the tenants living in the property. If Legal Aid is not available then you will need to cover the costs yourself, the cost varies depending on the court route you take. There are three court routes available, they are known as small claims, fast track and multi-track. If your claim for compensation is under £10,000 then your case could be heard in small claims court. However, if you are seeking an order for repairs to be made then the case can only be heard in small claims if the cost of repair work is under £1000 and the damages are under £1000. If your case is not eligible for small claims then it will usually be allocated to the fast-track court.

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